In a world inundated with constant streams of medical research and pharmaceutical advancements, one might assume that progress is always a positive force. However, amidst the flurry of studies and clinical trials, there lies a troubling trend: the vaccination of individuals with rare diseases. This practice, driven by profit and power motives and a misguided sense of urgency, poses significant risks and raises profound ethical questions.
Consider the case of individuals with rare diseases like Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). Despite their unique medical needs and vulnerabilities, they are subjected to major increases in the number of required vaccines compared to previous generations with the same condition. This one-size-fits-all approach overlooks the intricacies of their conditions and disregards the mounting evidence of potential harm.
The proponents of mass vaccination argue that it is a necessary step in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. However, for individuals with rare diseases, and truthfully, all individuals, the risks may outweigh the benefits. The lack of comprehensive testing and research specific to this population, or any population in actuality, leaves them vulnerable to adverse reactions and exacerbation of their existing health challenges.
Moreover, the pursuit of profit and power-driven medicine further complicates the issue. Pharmaceutical companies, driven by financial incentives, push for widespread vaccination campaigns without adequately addressing the concerns of marginalized groups and society at large. This disregard for the unique needs of individuals with rare diseases reflects a systemic failure in healthcare prioritization, even if said failure was initially perpetuated by the initiation of vaccination requirements and the subsequent removal of liability for vaccine manufacturers "in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). This law created immunity for pharmaceutical companies from lawsuit over claims from vaccine injury. The thought at the time was that if companies could be held liable for injury, it would reduce the profitability of vaccines.
But what about the promise of a cure? Many cling to the hope that medical research will eventually yield a miraculous solution to alleviate the suffering of those with rare diseases. Yet, this tunnel vision approach neglects the broader spectrum of interventions that could improve their quality of life here and now.
Instead of pouring resources into endless research studies that yield limited tangible benefits, perhaps it's time to adopt a more holistic and inclusive approach. We must delve into the root causes of rare diseases, many of which could in part, actually have been caused by initiation of vaccination into the human genome!! Examining the interplay of this forced method of delivering what has been sold to us as necessary and contributing to longevity, is a heart breaking travesty. We are not even considering genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices on top of these required toxic cocktails administered through force, with a needle, and overriding our bodily system's mechanism of oral consumption. It’s force over flow, man over nature, and it’s got to stop.
Furthermore, we must challenge the notion that medical progress is synonymous with complexity. The sheer volume of research can be overwhelming and inaccessible to many, leading to a sense of alienation among those directly affected by rare diseases. We must strive for transparency and clarity in medical discourse, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health.
In essence, the absolute insanity of vaccinating people with rare diseases lies not only in harm it inflicts, but also in the failure to even consider at what point the "rare disease" was inoculated and initiated into the timeline. Additionally, it is important to consider how much our intense resistance to the integration of all aspects of what it means to be a soul in physicality with much more than the seen physicality, has been left out of consideration for many generations.
It's time to shift our paradigm, embracing a more compassionate and inclusive approach to true "healthcare", including all aspects of our existence, that honor the dignity and autonomy of every individual, regardless of how the inverted systems of care have exacerbated said "health condition", "rare disease" and/or "genetic diagnosis". It is quite bracing, the way that this severe misunderstanding of who we are as souls, has become integrated into the genome and is handed down with ferocity, creating eons of ripples to each subsequent generation, and is then assumed by our unconscious presentation, to be truth.
Let's collectively wake up to the fact that we are being played, victimized and have been bamboozled over the last 100 years, (at least!) with the inversion of all that is life affirming, soul acknowledging and contributing to our overall heart centered embodiment and evolution. In the words of the poet Anne Sexton, "Live or Die but Don't Poison Everything".
As we begin to embody our divinity, as is our soul's purpose, and our mission here on earth, we can rest assured that the great experiment of the ages, that of humanity undergoing massive collective evolution on every level, we are called to begin to put down our proverbial guns and surrender to the fact that there are many multidimensional aspects of our experience, that we have yet to fully comprehend. Godspeed to all of us who chose and took on the blessed opportunity to incarnate into this precious, sacred life, let us remember this and pull back from the brink of eternal destruction and degradation of the truth of who we are.